- Temp: 60 - 70
- Weather: Rained for 12 hours straight, heavy at times
- Weight: 183 lbs. pre taper and eat week
- Health: It all feels good going in
- Trail Conditions: Course was wet before it rained, very wet and muddy afterward, my feet were wet for all but miles 19 - 23, I changed shoes at 19 and it started to pour at 23
- Injuries: I fell once - it did not hurt anything
- IT Bands - Both knees hurt when running down hill in the middle miles, this went away, I took advil and did not run so much, did not hurt at all after race
- Left Ankle - hurt from wearing hardrocks, not to bad in race unless I landed awkward on it, really hurt next day - I was on crutches until wed after race
- Blister on the heel of right foot - hardrocks (maybe, new socks could have also caused it)
- Feet - as beat up and sore as to be expected
- Toenails - right big one is very black and sore, I may end up losing it soon
- Overall soreness - very sore for 2 days, muscles felt ok after that
- Fatigue - Very tired entire week after the race, still tired 8 days out
- Equipment - ASR4s and injini toe socks rock - I wore these for majority of the miles with soaked feet and no blisters, this is the winning combination from now on. I love this combo
- Food - Shot block every 10 minutes for the entire race - 200 cals per hour + gator and some food from aid stations
- Hydration - 2 to 3 nuuns every 8 miles, carried hpl 020 for entire race and one hand bottle for 40 miles or so, could have got buy with just hpl 020 I think and nuun
- Lights - Petzil tikka headlamp (sucked) and princeton tech led hand light (rocked
That is it in a nutshell - I need to run more and get faster on the hills and downhills
Next year I want to finish in 16 hours - this is my goal and my drive, first I need to do masochist is 11!
Total Time: 21:43 for a 19:00 avg
HR Max = 186 Avg = 143, I stopped monitoring at 53, it did not register anymore
- 13:13
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- 27:01
- 19:31
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- 19:43
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- 19:53
- 19:00
- 17:11
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- 19:41
- 18:34
- 36:29
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- 23:37
- 21:27
- 19:58
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- 23:00
- 21:31
- 21:58
- 21:27
- 25:53
- 13:50
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